What Is Brand Visibility? How Can I Make It Grow?

 Even if only unconsciously, we prefer to pick what is most familiar to us.

This implies that your capacity to attract and keep clients will increase as your brand becomes more apparent.

One thing that unquestionably counts is just how visible your brand is, since there are several aspects that affect why a potential consumer or client picks one brand over another.

We might approach it from the standpoint of risk reduction.

Choosing the most well-liked alternative is frequently the safest course of action. It’s why we have the old phrase, “no one ever got fired for purchasing IBM.”

The most well-known brand in a field is, in today's parlance, "no one ever got fired for purchasing Salesforce," but the concept is still valid. Whether or not they deserve it, they are frequently the most trusted.

Because of this, one of the most crucial KPIs your company isn't monitoring is brand presence.



Brand Visibility: What Is It?

The amount of exposure a brand receives in comparison to its rivals and its sector is known as brand visibility. It is a part of brand awareness, which is an all-encompassing phrase for many techniques for gauging consumer emotion and brand recognition in a market.

It matters a lot how and where you assess brand visibility since it quantifies, quite literally, how "visible" a brand is to target buyers. In other words, you should determine brand exposure on a per-channel basis rather than always in the aggregate.

A search brand exposure statistic that mimics a metric like "share of search" is possible.

You can track your entire brand reach on social media using a metric called social media brand visibility.

However, unlike measurements like market share or share of search, brand visibility does not have to be determined in reference to other brands or your market as a whole. It can serve as a stand-alone statistic that you can use to benchmark future performance.

The following is how Marketing91 defines brand visibility:

"Band visibility works if you can think of at least one individual that you see on your newsfeeds on a regular basis. It's possible that not every post has good material. But what counts is appearance.

Brand exposure is a crucial input parameter for your total brand awareness, but quality, sentiment, and targeted placements are also things to consider.


Brand awareness, brand perception, and brand visibility

To effectively describe brand visibility, it might be useful to compare it to other relevant metrics like brand awareness and brand perception.

Brand Recognition

We have brand recognition at the most advanced level.

The term "brand awareness" refers to a broad set of metrics and procedures used to determine if potential customers are aware of our brand.

Depending on the exact issue you wish to answer, it could be appropriate to layer your measurement method when assessing brand awareness.


  • Are you interested in gauging your overall market success? The key is to increase market share.

  • Do you want to know how many members of your target market can name your brand without being reminded? Surveys of brand recall are the way to go.

  • Do you think SERP coverage is important? Search results that are owned by or include your brand can be shown using the share of search metric.



How well-known is our brand among consumers? is a question that each of these techniques attempts to answer in a somewhat different way.

perception of a brand

Brand perception is a measure that emphasises sentiment in addition to awareness and reach.



The public is aware of our brand, no doubt. They are aware it exists. But what do they think about our company? Are they satisfied? Does it annoy them? What do they think of the company?

Brand perception is tricky since it may both be controlled and uncontrolled.

Although you may make an effort to develop brand positioning and a story, ultimately how the market views you will depend on a number of elements, such as:


  • Consumer assistance

  • Product excellence

  • The position of the opposition

  • Variations in market trends

  • advertisement and marketing

According to Qualtrics,

 "brand perception is owned by customers, not by corporations. Consumer impression of a product or service is different from what the corporation that owns the brand claims it stands for. Customer use, experience, functionality, reputation, and word-of-mouth recommendations—both in person and on social media—all contribute to brand perception.

Because you might come to very different results based on the method you employ to assess it as well as how and when you do the study, measuring brand perception is as much an art as a science.

Focus groups are one of the most often used methods to gauge how consumers feel about a brand.


  • The composition of the sample group you speak with

  • the group's interactions with one another

  • the order in which you ask the questions

  • Inverse Hawthorne Effect (in which individuals modify an aspect of their behaviour in response to their awareness of being observed)

A large portion of what we consider to be "branding" falls under the brand perception category. We're attempting to create a story or the feelings associated with our brand and business.

Additionally, sentiment analysis of social media and the internet in general is commonly used to gauge brand perception. You can detect your brand's online presence as well as how people are mentioning it with tools like Semrush's Brand Monitor.

However, sentiment analysis is not an exact science.

Machine learning alone struggles to separate out complex viewpoints on a product.

For instance, a power user's critical tweet may be misclassified as negative even though it was sent out of love and concern for the person.


Brand Recognition

Building blocks for brand awareness in general include brand presence.

Your brand equity, which is described as the "value premium that a firm obtains from a product with a recognisable name when compared to a generic counterpart," is in many respects identical to the additive impact of brand exposure and brand perception.


The more visible you are, the more likely you are to be noticed, according to CXL. Visibility is an upstream metric and has a positive impact on awareness.


Compared to the other indicators described here, brand exposure is a considerably stronger leading indicator. You also have a lot of control over it:

  • Spending on brand marketing might increase.

  • Markets and segments may be flooded, and you can see your brand visibility indicators change.

  • You may use SEO strategies with surround sound to dominate certain keyphrases with your brand.


3. Site Review Marketing

Being well-represented on the websites where customers check for recommendations is the finest thing you can do in some businesses.

This is particularly true for small firms (see Yelp), low-cost B2C goods (like books, like Amazon), and expensive corporate software (think: Gartner).


Although each of these platforms has its unique quirks, they all ultimately serve the same purpose: to generate a high volume of favourable consumer feedback.


The one exception is Gartner, whose experts evaluate the product in light of its market share, popularity, and overall strength.


It's something of a catch-22 to use driving reviews as an acquisition strategy as getting more customers inevitably leads to driving more reviews. but ensure


  • Run an NPS survey and request reviews from your advocates on the website of your choosing.

  • Utilize cold outreach to reach out to high-value clients in order to obtain recommendations or testimonials

  • Encourage people to submit evaluations by offering free product usage or financial incentives, if this is permitted (just make sure they disclose this in their reviews).

With this strategy, winning requires all-out commitment. If you only have a few reviews, your rivals will outnumber you. This one requires a lot of volume to be effective.

Best for: B2C enterprises and competitive local firms. also expensive business software.
